Government have extended the time limit fixed for the updation and locking of details in SPARK. Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala
is an Integrated Personnel, Payroll and Accounts information system
for all the Employees in Government
of Kerala. The system caters to the Personnel Administration, Payroll
and other Accounts activities of Government Establishments. Every
employee is allotted with a unique Permanent Employee Number (PEN)
through the system. This Centralized system helps the departments to get
details of any employee immediately, achieve highest level of
transparency in dealing with the employees, more consistent application
of rules etc. In the payroll side, accurate and automatic payroll
processing is facilitated. It also ensures that the rules and
regulations are uniformly applied to all employees there by avoiding
complaints and achieving better employee relations...
For details view Circular No.37/2013/Fin Dated 08/04/2013.