February 6 and 7, VI State Meet at Kottyam(bachelor) for details please Contact Shalu John: 9400524282

Duties and Responsibilities of Vocational Instructor

  • He/She will be in-charge of the vocational lab concerned.
  • He/She will be the custodian of the stock registers of the vocational lab concerned.
  • He/She will have to report the requirements of lab to the vocational teacher concerned .
  • He/She will be responsible for smooth conduct of the vocational practicals as per syllabus under the supervision of Vocational Teacher.
  • He/She has  to assist the Vocational Teacher in production aspects of the PTC,the conduct of OJT etc. 
  • (Ref: Page No:12, Easy View- A Handbook for Principals of VHS Schools 2009-2010)
  • (Printed  at  KSAVRC,Tvm-13)


HLL Lifecare Limited, is a global provider of wide range of contraceptives, healthcare and pharma products. HLL is a Mini Ratna, Schedule B Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.   With five manufacturing units and marketing offices throughout the country, HLL offers a challenging work environment with ample opportunity for advancement, for personal and professional growth.HLL now requires TRAINEES under Training and Development Scheme of the Company to be posted at Peroorkada Factory, Trivandrum

Qualification : VHSE/ITI Trade Certificate

Maximum Age as on 01.06.2011,18-30 years (as on 1.6.2011)

Nature and Tenure of Engagement:
For 3 years under Training and Development scheme

Those interested and having the prescribed qualification 
may please walk-in for an interview as under:
Date:  09.6.2011
Time: 10.30 AM to 4.30 PM

 HLL Lifecare Limited, Peroorkada Factory, Peroorkada, Trivandrum, 
Ph: 0471-2437270 

Upper age relaxation will be given to candidates belonging to 
SC/ST/OBC/PH, as per Govt. of India Rules in this regard.
Please bring your CV, one passport size photograph 
& original certificates to prove age, 
qualification and experience, if any along with attested copies of the certificate.

>The Pay Revision 2009 Module in SPARK


To login SPARK

Fill your User ID, and Password in the apprpriate Boxes of the face page. Type the characters
as shown in the next column. (In fig.1, it is v89RG). Then click ‘Sign in’


The Pay Revision 2009 Module

The Pay Revision 2009 Module also updated. In the salary matters menu, a new menu group
is added as “Pay Revision 2009” with the
following items.

Pay Revision Fixation
Pay Revision Editing
Pay Revision Status
Pay Revision Arrear Processing
Pay Revision Arrear Bill
PR PF Contribution Schedule

To operate this module, the following
procedure may be followed.
Step 1
Before Fixing Pay in the Revised Scales of
Select Salary Matters → Pay Revision 2009
→ Pay Revision Status

The list consists of Designation, Revised and Pre-revised Scales, Name of the employee,
PEN, Dept General No,etc.

Establishment user and Drawing and Disbursing Officers can view this.

Please check and verify whether the designation shown is in the correct Scale of Pay (Revised
and Pre-revised).

If any discrepancy is noticed in the details shown, kindly report this to the DMU (Shaji.S,
Ph : 9495124374, e mail : dvhsespark@yahoo.co.in) for rectification before proceeding


Step 2
Select Salary Matters → Pay Revision 2009 → Pay Fixation. Then you can see the window as
shown in figure 3. Select the Employee

Employee with PEN

Verify New Basic Pay

figure 3

Step 3
Check the Designation, Scale of Pay (Revised and Pre-revised). The promotion details
displayed may also be verified for employees who have obtained promotion between the Option
date and date of Fixation
Remember : The Scale of Instructor is 14620-360-14980- 400-16980-440-18740-500-21240

Click ‘Confirm’ button if the details are found correct.

Step 4
Click ‘Compute’ button (which will be enabled only after clicking the confirm button) to
calculate and display the pay fixation details.

The fixation details will be computed by the system and then Pay Fixation Statement can be
generated by clicking on the button “Pay Fixation Statement”.

If the Pay fixation Statement is found correct then Update the details into SPARK database
by clicking on the “Update” button

If any corrections are required after pay fixation, the same can be edited using the ‘Pay
Fixation editing’ module.

Before taking the Pay revision module, please update all regular promotions, grade
promotions, transfers, annual increments etc ordered till date .

You can select the Promotion type of the Employee in Pay Revision Fixation menu, if

Please verify and ensure that the service history, allowances history, present salary details
etc are updated correctly using the “Pay Revision editing” Menu.

In order to process Pay Revision Arrears , Salary processing from 07/2009 onwards should
be done without fail.

For Assistance: Sri.Shaji.S (DMU, SPARK)

Ph : 9495124374

e mail : dvhsespark@yahoo.co.in

>DA Increased to 24%

Vide GO(P) No.180/2011/Fin dated 11/4/2011, Kerala Government have ordered 6% increase in Dearness Allowance on Revised Pay and 12% increase on Pre-revised pay to State Government Employees, Teachers, Staff of Aided Schools, Private Colleges and Polytechnics, Full Time contingent employees and work charged establishments and employees of Local Bodies w.e.f. 01.01.2011

The revised rate of D.A. due from 01.01.2011 (additional 6%) will be paid in cash with the salary due for the month of April, 2011 onwards.

The arrear for the period from 01.01.2011 to 31.03.2011   will be drawn and credited to the PF account of the employee along with the salary bill for the  month of  May, 2011  to November, 2011.

>Submit the Option Form-Details


Each and every time when a pay revision is happened, a government employee should submit the option of their pay, mainly from which date they wish to choose the revised pay or they wish to continue in the pre revised pay etc. For submitting option the employee must be aware of the details of their pay, increment etc. and also should understand which option is better for him/her.IF the government employee is not sure about their pay and the effect of the option he/she must ask any expert or any colleagues those who know well about the details of pay and allowances. Please keep in mind that this option may affect all the future pay and salary and even the pension also. So do it carefully.

When you have an option to select anything, you should think twice. So think and study well about the reactions of your option and submit the form accordingly.

Download the option form and submit.

>Pay Revision Order (Final) by Finance Department

In G.O (P) No.143/2011/Fin dated 30/03/2011, Government have made corrections/ additions in the G.O (P) No.85/2011/Fin dated 26/02/2011 and finally issued the orders revising Pay and Allowances of State Government Employees,  Staff of Educational Institutions etc
This has concurrence of the Election Commission of India which was requested for because model code of conduct has came into effect from 01.03.2011 for the ensuing General Election of the Kerala Legislative Assembly.

Click Here to View  (Refer page 39 of the document for VHSE info.)

>Pay Fixation Assistant -Final

Click here to download Pay Fixation Software

Pay Fixation Assistant -Final (Updated on 17-3-2011) 
 We modified the trial version 1 and 2, errors were rectified  and released this final version. Hence you are  requested to  uninstall  the previous trial version before installing final version.
System requirements
OS : Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
should have .Net Framework installed to run this application.

How to install
Download Pay Fixation Assistant Final.zip file and extract it. Open the extracted folder, run 'setup.exe' .
Allow to install .net frame work when asked during installation. To run the application double click the Desktop icon named 'Pay Fixation Assistant"
Go to C>programme file>Kerala Service>Pay Fixation Assistant >Pay fixation Assistant.

Software Developed by
1. Sri. R.K.Biju ( Programming & Software designing)
2. Sri. Akhilesh Mohan (Programming & Software designing)
3. Sri. M.P.Saffeeq (Service Consultant)

>Hearty Condolences

We are shocked to know about the sudden demise of our colleague Kum.Mini Gopalakrishnan (31), Vocational Instructor in Agriculture,Govt. VHSS, Kulathoor, Trivandrum . It is a great loss to the entire VHSE staff especially for the instructors.We express our heart-felt condolence to the deprived family and relatives.